Carbon capture
Carbon capture

Carbon Capture

Acknowledges the pressing reality of global climate change. The relentless emission of carbon compounds exacerbates this environmental challenge, driving our active involvement in the decarbonization campaign. We cultivate expertise and actively participate in the endeavor to address this critical issue.

Our comprehensive portfolio revolves around state-of-the-art solutions. The organization specializes in turnkey project solutions for carbon capture, hydrogen fuel, and power solutions, focusing on ushering in a sustainable future.

Functioning as an independent clean energy creator, our commitment to crafting and implementing all-encompassing carbon capture plants. Collaborating closely with esteemed technology partners across diverse sectors, including coal-based power plants, the Cement Industry, the Steel Industry, and Refineries, our approach emphasizes the synergy between cutting-edge technologies and operational realities.

Our collaborations prioritize seamlessly integrating the best available technologies, ensuring alignment with operational contexts. By leveraging the proven prowess of Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) technologies, industries can capture over 99% of their CO2 emissions.

Our approach seamlessly integrates with established industrial operations, ensuring minimal disruption. This strategic framework empowers industries to take significant strides towards achieving net zero emissions. These industries are poised to tap into the expanding global circular carbon economy market by leveraging decarbonization incentives.

This innovative approach fosters a bridge between industries and the net zero goal. It addresses climatic challenges and contributes to resolving critical business-related issues.

We extend our support by offering modularized and containerized solutions. These adaptable solutions add to the versatility and convenience of our offerings.

In addition to its contributions to clean energy, we are recognized for our commitment to sustainability. This recognition reaffirms our dedication to producing gas gensets that align with eco-conscious principles while maintaining our reputation as a reputable gas genset supplier.

We have successfully commissioned the following project:

20 Tons Per Day (TPD) CO2 Capture Plant from Coal-fired flue gasses of NTPC Super Thermal Power Station at Vindhayachal (Madhya Pradesh, India).

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India's carbon emissions exceed three gigatons of CO2, ranking it among the world's foremost greenhouse gas producers. We align with India's commitment under COP21 (The Paris Climate Conference) to curb greenhouse gas emissions.
NTPC Limited (National Thermal Power Corporation Limited), recognized as India's largest power generator, is actively engaged in the development, deployment, and demonstration of Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) technologies. These advanced technologies hold the potential not only to mitigate CO2 emissions into the atmosphere but also to transform CO2 into valuable hydrocarbons, fuels, and chemicals.

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The scope of work undertaken by us for this pilot project encompasses Design, Engineering, Supply, Fabrication, Construction, Erection, Commissioning, and O&M (Operations and Maintenance) of the plant. Leveraging Carbon Clean's (CTPL) technology, we have successfully captured 20 tonnes of carbon dioxide daily. This innovative carbon capture solution is strategically integrated into the plant's flue gas stack, capturing CO₂ emissions directly from the coal-fired boiler.

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Through such collaborative efforts, meticulous conceptualization, and unwavering commitment, we remain dedicated to addressing climate change nationally and internationally.
Furthermore, we continue demonstrating our dedication to environmental responsibility by excelling as an esteemed eco-friendly gas genset supplier. This distinction reaffirms our commitment to delivering gas gensets that align with eco-conscious principles while contributing to a sustainable future.

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Green Power International acknowledges the pressing reality of global climate change by manufacturing the carbon capture and storage technology power plants. By leveraging the proven prowess of Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) technologies, industries can capture over 99% of their carbon emissions. Functioning as an independent clean energy creator, our commitment to crafting and implementing all-encompassing carbon capture plants.