
Cogeneration or
Combined Heat and Power (CHP)
Cogeneration, also known as combined heat and power (CHP), is the epitome of effective and efficient power generation. By harnessing a single fuel source, cogeneration ingeniously produces both thermal and electrical or mechanical energy. This innovative process maximizes energy utility, utilizing waste heat for additional benefits through exhaust or Jacket Water, generating steam, hot water, and more.
In the modern landscape, gas engine CHP has emerged as the prime choice, aligning with the demand for adaptable and compact solutions. As a reliable generator power provider in India, we at Green Power International take pride in being prominent engine manufacturers in India. Our commitment to sustainability and innovation drives our efforts in shaping a greener energy future.
Typical Diagram of Co-generation Plant - Power + Heat

Benefits of Cogeneration Application (CHP)
- Enhanced Energy Efficiency and Conversion.
- Reduced CO2 Emissions, Fostering Environmental Sustainability.
- Substantial Cost Savings, Enhancing Competitiveness for Industries and Businesses.


Seperate Power Production

Utilities Generated from Waste Heat
- Exhaust / Flue Gas.
- Steam up to 16 Bars (g) Pressure.
- Chilled Water for Standard & Precision Air-Conditioning.
- Chilled Water down to -10°C for Cooling Processes.
- Chilled Brine / Liquid Ammonia for Sub-zero Temperature Applications.
- Hot Air up to 500°C for Drying & Heating.
- Hot Oil / Thermic Fluid for Heating & Drying.
- Hot Water for Industrial & Air-Conditioning Use.
Jacket Water Heat
- Chilled Water for Standard & Precision Air-Conditioning.
- Chilled Water up to 10°C for Process Cooling.
- Hot Water up to 85°C for Process & Air-Conditioning.
- Hot Air up to 75°C.
Embracing cogeneration, or combined heat and power (CHP), represents a pivotal step towards a sustainable energy landscape. The seamless integration of thermal and electrical/mechanical energy production boosts efficiency and significantly curbs CO2 emissions, aligning with environmental responsibility. These advantages extend to substantial cost savings, heightening competitiveness across industries. As an EPC company in Gas & Liquid fuel-based power generation systems, we stand at the forefront of innovation, championing the green energy revolution in India and beyond.