MWM 2032
MWM 2032

As a leading genset manufacturer, Green Power International utilise MWM gas engines specialises in producing eco-friendly gas gensets that are highly efficient, reliable, and flexible to meet the demands of a dynamic market environment. Our gas engine generators, notably the MWM TCG 2032 series, offer a range of features and benefits that set them apart:

MWM TCG 2032 Series - High Availability, Low Installation Costs:


Gas Engine TCG 2032 - Optimised for High Profitability:

High Availability with New Turbocharger Technology:

Low Installation Costs with Compact Engine Design:

Green Power International is a renowned gas genset manufacturer committed to delivering innovative solutions that balance environmental sustainability, operational efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. With a global presence & a track record of successful installations, MWM’s gas gensets are a preferred choice for various power generation applications.

Performance Data – TCG 2032

>> Natural gas applications, NOx ≤ 500 mg/Nm3 *

>> Biogas, landfill gas, and sewage gas applications, NOx ≤ 500 mg/Nm3 *

Engine Type TCG 3016 V16
Electrical OutputkW3770
Medium Effective Pressurebar17.0
Thermal Output ± 8%kW3496
Electrical efficiency%43.0
Thermal Efficiency%39.8
Overall Efficiency%82.8
  • NOx ≤ 500 mg/Nm3; exhaust gas dry at 5 % O2.
  • Electrical output according to ISO 3046-1 at U = 11 kV, p.f = 1.0 for 50 Hz and a minimum methane number of MN 70 for natural gas
  • Thermal output values are based on Exhaust gas cooled to 120°C for natural gas and 180°C for biogas.
  • The values given above are for information purposes only and not binding. The information given in the offer is decisive.

Specifications and Dimensions

>> Natural gas applications, NOx ≤ 500 mg/Nm3 *

Engine Type TCG 2032 V12TCG 2032 V16TCG 2032B V16
Dry weight GensetKg431005120051400
Bore/Strokemm260/320 260/320260/320
Mean piston speedm/s10.710.710.7

>> Biogas, landfill gas, and sewage gas applications, NOx ≤ 500 mg/Nm3 *

  • The values given above are for information purposes only and not binding. The information given in the offer is decisive.

Performance Data – TCG 2032

>> Natural gas applications, NOx ≤ 500 mg/Nm3 *

>> Biogas, landfill gas, and sewage gas applications, NOx ≤ 500 mg/Nm3 *

Engine Type TCG 3016 V16
Electrical OutputkW3770
Medium Effective Pressurebar17.0
Thermal Output ± 8%kW3496
Electrical efficiency%43.0
Thermal Efficiency%39.8
Overall Efficiency%82.8
  • NOx ≤ 500 mg/Nm3; exhaust gas dry at 5 % O2.
  • Electrical output according to ISO 3046-1 at U = 11 kV, p.f = 1.0 for 50 Hz and a minimum methane number of MN 70 for natural gas
  • Thermal output values are based on Exhaust gas cooled to 120°C for natural gas and 180°C for biogas.
  • The values given above are for information purposes only and not binding. The information given in the offer is decisive.

Specifications and Dimensions

>> Natural gas applications, NOx ≤ 500 mg/Nm3 *

Engine Type TCG 2032 V12TCG 2032 V16TCG 2032B V16
Dry weight GensetKg431005120051400
Bore/Strokemm260/320 260/320260/320
Mean piston speedm/s10.710.710.7

>> Biogas, landfill gas, and sewage gas applications, NOx ≤ 500 mg/Nm3 *

  • The values given above are for information purposes only and not binding. The information given in the offer is decisive.

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