MWM TCG - 3016
MWM TCG - 3016

Green Power International boasts the distributorship of the MWM TCG 3016 gas engines that transcend the mere evolution of MWM’s gas gensets; they epitomise an entirely novel development meticulously designed to meet the challenges of Industry 4.0 and the evolving dynamics of today’s global value chain-oriented market. These cutting-edge sustainable gas engines, offered within the output range of 400 kWe to 1,000 kWe, are founded upon exceptional efficiency, unwavering reliability, remarkable flexibility, and a relentless commitment to environmental compatibility and GHG reductions.

Pursuing outstanding efficiency is evident through significantly reduced fuel costs, aligning with modern demands for cost-effective operations. The engines also exhibit deficient lubricant consumption, embodying sustainability and operational excellence.

Incorporating the digitized power plant control TPEM is an undeniable testament to innovation. This advanced technology exemplifies the convergence of digitization and operational management, enabling these engines to stand as beacons of efficiency and precision in power generation.

MWM TCG 3016 Gas Engine

Efficiency Goes Digital: The New Standard Robust, efficient, digital.

MWM TCG 3016 Gas Engine

Green Power International takes pride in being a small part of MWM’s legacy as a gas engine manufacturer that is at its pinnacle in the MWM TCG 3016 gas engines. Embracing innovation, sustainability, and adaptability, these engines epitomise the transformative potential of power generators in the age of Industry 4.0 and the global value chain.

Optimized Lubricant Management

Economical, Efficient, and Complete

MWM Gas Genset boasts a remarkable legacy of over 150 years in distributed energy generation, setting a benchmark for cutting-edge solutions in the industry. 

Caterpillar revolutionizes energy control with the Total Plant & Energy Management (TPEM) digital power plant system.

These features, seamlessly integrated with MWM’s eco-friendly gas gensets, underscore Caterpillar’s prowess as a leading gas genset manufacturer.

High Efficiency, Low Operating Costs

Reduced Installation and Building Costs

Performance Data

>> Natural gas applications, NOx ≤ 500 mg/Nm3 *

>> Biogas, landfill gas, and sewage gas applications, NOx ≤ 500 mg/Nm3 *

Engine Type TCG 3016 V08TCG 3016 V12TCG 3016 V16
Electrical OutputkW400600800
Medium Effective Pressurebar18.918.918.8
Thermal Output ± 8%kW394599791
Electrical efficiency%42.842.943.1
Thermal Efficiency%42.242.842.6
Overall Efficiency%85.085.7 85.7
  • NOx ≤ 500 mg/Nm3; exhaust gas dry at 5 % O2.
  • Electrical output according to ISO 3046-1 at U = 11 kV, p.f = 1.0 for 50 Hz and a minimum methane number of MN 70 for natural gas
  • Thermal output values are based on Exhaust gas cooled to 120°C for natural gas and 180°C for biogas.
  • The values given above are for information purposes only and not binding. The information given in the offer is decisive.

Specifications and Dimensions

>> Natural gas applications, NOx ≤ 500 mg/Nm3 *

>> Biogas, landfill gas, and sewage gas applications, NOx ≤ 500 mg/Nm3 *

  • The values given above are for information purposes only and not binding. The information given in the offer is decisive.

Performance Data

>> Natural gas applications, NOx ≤ 500 mg/Nm3 *

>> Biogas, landfill gas, and sewage gas applications, NOx ≤ 500 mg/Nm3 *

Engine Type TCG 3016 V08TCG 3016 V12TCG 3016 V16
Electrical OutputkW400600800
Medium Effective Pressurebar18.918.918.8
Thermal Output ± 8%kW394599791
Electrical efficiency%42.842.943.1
Thermal Efficiency%42.242.842.6
Overall Efficiency%85.085.7 85.7
  • NOx ≤ 500 mg/Nm3; exhaust gas dry at 5 % O2.
  • Electrical output according to ISO 3046-1 at U = 11 kV, p.f = 1.0 for 50 Hz and a minimum methane number of MN 70 for natural gas
  • Thermal output values are based on Exhaust gas cooled to 120°C for natural gas and 180°C for biogas.
  • The values given above are for information purposes only and not binding. The information given in the offer is decisive.

Specifications and Dimensions

>> Natural gas applications, NOx ≤ 500 mg/Nm3 *

>> Biogas, landfill gas, and sewage gas applications, NOx ≤ 500 mg/Nm3 *

  • The values given above are for information purposes only and not binding. The information given in the offer is decisive.
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